Please note the General Membership Meeting time has changed. Effective January, 2018 the General Meetings will start at 5:00PM. The Executive Board will remain the same at 3:00PM.
Executive Board meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of each month. General Membership Meetings are only in January, March, April, May, September and November.
Just a reminder there are no General Membership Meetings during June, July and August.
DC 9 Marie Hood Scholarship application are available. Eligible applicants are spouses, dependents and grandchildren of active and retired members of the PPPWU/DC 9. A member must be in good standings for a least a year as of March 15, 2024. Applicants must submit their applications by March 31, 2024 and write a 1500 word or more essay on the topic "Unionism in America". Application is available on Download Forms. Any questions, please call the union office.